Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Music Review

The song I chose to review was 'Death of Communication', By Company of Thieves. They are probably my FAVORITE band, aaaand I love them. Anyway, I think that a lot of messages could be found in 'Death of Communication', but the one that speaks to me is that life is complicated, but people make it harder for themselves by holding on to material value, rather than focusing on being a good person. There are some lyrics in particular that really stick out for me: 
"Honestly, my honesty is always what I gave for taking your bread,
I never thought you would have hung it high above as you did over my head"
I think this is talking about how people tend to count their favors, or what people owe them. I think that many people have lost their sense of generosity. 

"Sell your soul for someone's goal,
Maybe then you'll have a friend! 
Go on, sell your soul to be controlled, 
Maybe then you'll have a friend!"
I think this is talking about  how a lot of people are manipulative and really concerned about how they look in other people's eyes, or about reaching their goals, so they arent afraid of using people, and then disgarding them when they've reached their goals.
I love how this song is upbeat, but its still lyrical.
I know these are just a few of the lyrics, but I wanted to keep it short.

Here's the link:

Thursday, December 8, 2011


In class, we have been talking a lot about Holden- his character, principles, relationships with other characters, etc.. He IS the main character, of course. I think that Holden has an interesting view of himself and the people around him, and since the book is written from his point of view, that is the reality that we see- Holden's reality.
Since Holden is the voice in the book, all we, as the readers, know, is what he chooses to tell us, how he chooses to tell it to us.

I think that Holden likes to tell the reader things that make him seem bigger and badder than he really is. In th book, he also calls out a lot of people for being "phony", but never tells them, so in effect he is being phony himself (which I suppose would make him a bit of a hypocrite...)