Sunday, October 23, 2011

Father-Son Relationship

In The Road, the two main character are a father and son trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. The father's only concern, and reason for living is to ensure his son's survival for as long as he can. I think their relatiionship is much stronger than most father-son relationships for two reasons:
1. they're living in a POST-APOCOLYPTIC world. They rely on eachother for suvival and are eachothers reason to stay living.
2. There is no mother in the picture. The Boy's mother, The Man's wife, committed suicide- were presuming not long after whatever caused their circumstances happened. The father knows that he's all thats keeping his son alive. If he dies, his son will almost indefinitely follow shortly after.

The fathers only real concerns are for his son. He wants his son to have the most enjoyable experiences possible, considering theor situation. The father has frequent flashbacks of the world as it was before whatever caused this apocalypse, and of his much different childhood. He, however, does not share any of these memories with his son because he does not want to tarnish the world as e knows it with th realization that it could be- and was- much better.

I also think that the son realized that they depend on eachother for survival. He often asks questions about what would happen if one of them died- questions which the father seems very hesitant to answer.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

In my eyes Proctor is a hero. Sure, his record isn't exactly perfect, but overall, he seems to try to do what is right (in his eyes). I think that the fact that Proctor wants hard evidence of these women being witches makes me feel better about his character. In the beginning of the Cricible, I didnt like John Proctor because he was an adulteror, but as the tory progressed, I realized that he ha stopped his affair with Abagail and tried to do the right thing.
Proctor tries very hard to protect his wife, after he realizes what Abigail  trying to do. He dosen't want his wife to suffer for his mistakes, by letting Abigail torure her and accuse her of being a witch, ruining her reputation with the colonists.

Really, John and Abigail's affair is what started this whole mess of everybody accusing everybody else of witchcraft. Abigail wouldn't have drunk the charm to try and kill Goody Proctor, then she wouldn't have ended up trying to defend herself by accusing the other women and girls of whitchcraft.