Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Thankful For....

Though there are many interesting people in my American Lit class, the one that i am most thankful or would have to be Alex Terry. She is a wonderful person and a great friend (and the reason I am no longer failing geometry). I love eating lunch with Alex, and sometimes continuing our interesting discussions from class, and seeing her (and poking her from the cello section) in orchestra. It's also great to see her in Company when were wrapping up whatever were doing, and shes waiting for her brother. Alex always has something interesting to say.
I'm going to cut this post short to go eat thanksgiving leftovers. :D omnomom.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Open Letter to Charles Bukowski

Dear Charles Bukowski, 
We just read your poem, Dinosauria, We, in class and I found that it really made me think about the future in a different light. I have thought that humans were self-destructive for a while, but your poem really hit home- we are in a downward spiral that we need to do something about. Not only do we need to take action, we need to do it quickly. I think that people are to stubborn to acknowledge this themselves, so people need to bring the problem to their attention, either in artistic ways like this, or just by spreading the word. whether our downfall will be climate change, or economic collapse, I think this poem will bring awareness for many of the issues at hand.  
Stina Taylor